Welcome to Betting 4 Fitness

Earn money while working out!

How does it work?

Place a wager (or bet) and commit to a workout schedule. If you successfully stick to your plan and complete every workout on time you'll be payed out your initial wager plus earnings.

You can actually earn money by working out!


Kettlebells can be utilized for strength, endurance, flexibility, and balance training. They incorporate cardio into your workout with the swinging action and extra movement involved in the exercises. They're great for enhancing body awareness, increasing range of motion, and building lean muscle.


Dumbbells are versatile and scalable to all fitness levels. Dumbbells are helpful tools to build foundational strength. Weightlifting with dumbbells can lead to improved circulation by challenging your muscles and forcing your blood to pump stronger, boosting oxygen and nutrient flow in your body.


Body weight exercises can improve your strength, power, endurance, speed, flexibility, and balance. Body weight exercises are effective and the best part is they don't require any equipment. Bodyweight exercises provide functional training that can be adjusted to your fitness level.

Experienced Athlete

Train with Cassandra, a former NCAA Division 1 track athlete and world class kettlebell champion.

Earn Money

You earn money after completing each workout to motivate and establish consistency in your routine.


Pick the workout that is best for you. Tailored workouts based on fitness level and desired frequency.

Meet our Users

See what people are saying about the program.

I love working out with Cassandra! This program motivated me to continue completing my workouts day after day until the program was complete.

After completing the workout program with Cassandra I felt stronger, had more energy, and felt better in my body.

I love that I can earn money while working out and getting in shape!